Ulrich’s expertise will help you through the Dutch healthcare system, a market with legally private entities acting within public law and in which a large proportion of hospital tariffs (DBCs) have negotiable pricing. He will also support you in emergency care and trauma care, which in contrast, are funded by fixed unit tariffs, by the Dutch healthcare Authority (NZa). He will be able to show you the relevance and importance of health technology assessment (HTA) and clinical guidelines in all sectors.

Ulrich is a qualified pharmacist and has both an MBA and a bachelor’s degree in Dutch law. Ulrich is an independent consultant in the healthcare sector, and currently general manager of the C3 Consulting Cooperation. He speaks on Dutch Healthcare finance and organisation at conferences and is a teacher in a university on Dutch Healthcare finance and organisation. He also holds a supervisory board position in a healthcare organisation.

Ulrich has held reimbursement and market access positions at Allergan, Roche and Boehringer Ingelheim.

Ulrich is available to support you through the reimbursement and pricing complexities of the Dutch market. If you want to launch your product in the Netherlands get in touch today.

Ulrich Oron