With experience of a wide range of medical technologies and in-depth knowledge of the French healthcare system, Gilles is particularly well placed to identify the best ways into the French market. He can advise you on the levels of evidence expected by Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), the French HTA body, as well as the best routes to reimbursement of complex and/or highly innovative medical devices and pharmaceuticals.

His expertise will support you in developing an effective funding and reimbursement strategy for France. He will also support its implementation by liaising with professional bodies, securing the National Health Insurer’s approval of codes for new medical procedures, and negotiating with the Ministry of Health to secure the best possible tariff. 


Gilles’ experience navigating the French healthcare system reduces delays in securing reimbursement. He has an intimate knowledge of PMSI (the national database of hospital activity), the DRG system (Groupes Homogènes de Malades, GHM) and Groupes Homogènes de Séjour, GHS) on which hospital reimbursement is based, and the office-based medical payment system.


Gilles holds a Doctorate in Medicine and an MBA in hospital management. Following his medical training, Gilles became a hospital director. At the French Ministry of Health, he headed the information system project for Regional Health Agencies (Agences Régionale de Santé). He was General Secretary of Montpellier Academic Hospital. Gilles worked for Oracle/Cerner to develope the electronic medical record business for France and Benelux. He is a native French speaker.
If France is part of your product strategy, Translucency can help you reach your objectives. Get in touch with us today.

Gilles Launay
Gilles Launay